ジョブNo.609688 品質保証グループマネージャー

  • 正社員


Job Overview
UD Trucks is known for our pioneering technologies and products within the commercial automotive industry.
The purpose of this job is to improved market quality by managing all QJ cases with PMQJs members.
(QJ: Quality Journal. Quality improvement item and activity. PMQJ: Project Manager for QJ.)
PMQJ leads the cross-functional QJ-team in order to introduce solutions for quality in the field issues with the shortest lead-time according to the QJ-process and is responsible for QJ management from kick-off to market ready.

Responsibilities and Duties
Manage all QJs/QSPs by leading PMQJs or by managing QJ/QSP directly. PMQJ's responsibilities and duties are as follows:
•Lead the QJ-team, manage resources, budget to deliver the result.
•Lead the QJ-team from the Kick-off meeting until Market ready according to QJ process.
•Shorten lead-time until containment action implemented and market ready.
•Request all necessary resources and competences from company and supplier.
•Secure all documentation including the progress of the QJ in Argus, and in necessary locations for good communications.
•Arrange and chair corrective action decision meeting and other necessary meetings to secure the progress.
•Secure introduction of decided containment actions.
•Secure identifying root cause of issue and potential solution(s) for production and aftermarket.
•Suggest internal campaign and prepare for external campaign.
•Perform business case for the potential solution(s).
•Secure QJ team delivers necessary documentation.
•Report the status of QJ to Management when requested.

Department : Product Quality Management (BP73000)


コンサルタント 若林 哲洋


職種 エンジニア(電気・電子・機械)系/品質管理・品質保証(電気・電子・機械)
年収 700万円~1000万円
勤務地 埼玉県
応募資格 Minimum qualifications
• Bachelors of Engineering degree or equivalent education. Prefer Master of engineering.
• Strong mindset and leadership to drive improvement of our products with sense of urgency.
• Communication skills as listening effectively, transmitting information accurately and understanding and actively seeking feedback.
• Professionalism as dealing directly and forthright with people and problems, persisting to get the job done and managing personal responses and stress.
• Teamwork as building co-operation among individuals, departments, sharing information and resources and working to achieve group goals and results.
• Extensive experience of Q&CS or quality improvement product development projects.
• Overall good understanding of the complete truck and good product knowledge (preferably Japan high-end trucks).
• Good management ability to lead project managers (PMQJ).

雇用形態 正社員(期間の定めなし)
勤務時間 09:00-18:00
[実働時間] 08時間00分
年間休日 121日
週休2日制(一部、祝日は出社可能性あり) 夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、有給休暇、慶弔休暇、特別休暇、リフレッシュ休暇
退職金制度(確定拠出年金または前払退職金)、財形貯蓄制度、資格取得奨励金制度、慶弔見舞金制度、産休・育休制度、介護休職制度、住宅貸付金、住宅積立預金制度 など


業種・資本 メーカー系(自動車・輸送機器(メーカー))


  • エンジニア(電気・電子・機械)系/品質管理・品質保証(電気・電子・機械)
  • 700万円~1000万円
  • 埼玉県