ジョブNo.507813 Associate Director or Manager, Distribution & Logistics, Supply Chain Management Department

  • 正社員


[Department introduction]
Supply Chain Management Department is playing a key role in the supply planning for a stable supply positioning between the manufacturing sites and the sales function.
DL&CS(Distribution, Logistics & Customer Services) is responsible for providing our products to Wholesalers nationwide in the efficient ways with excellent GDP management in cooperation with related stakeholders.

・Stabilize Japan product supply to the customers by supporting Distribution, Logistics & Customer Services Lead
・Report and share serious issue regarding Logistics and Customer Services to upper management of Distribution, Logistics and Customer Services and Supply Chain Management
・Provide excellent supply chain service to customers

・Provide strategic vision and definition for short and long term logistics initiatives to align with corporate business objectives
・Manage the 3PL company to establish End to End (from raw material to Wholesaler/ hospital) supply chain
・Manage supply chain key performance metrics, such as CSL (E) for Japan, inventory amount (or DIO) at Japan DCs and logistics KPI
・Continuously evaluate environmental, legislative, compliance, customs and internal factors, which will potentially impact Takeda’s supply chain
・Create and implement Supply Chain Management Department annual & mid-range plan (MRP) and mid-year commitment (MYC) with Head of Supply Chain Management
・Ensure alignment between other Supply Chain, Commercial and cross functional stakeholders
・Support the global Carbon Footprint reduction programs

コンサルタント 柴田 理


職種 購買・物流・貿易系/購買・調達・バイヤー・MD、購買・物流・貿易系/SCM企画・物流企画・需要予測
年収 700万円~1400万円
勤務地 東京都
応募資格 <必須>
学歴 大学卒以上(文理不問)
雇用形態 正社員(期間の定めなし)
勤務時間 8:00~16:45
研究所(神奈川) 9:00~17:45
年間休日 123日
メーデー 特別有給休暇 リフレッシュ休暇 産前産後休暇 育児休暇 子の看護休暇 介護休暇 フィランソロピー休職制度


業種・資本 メーカー系(医薬品・医療機器(メーカー))

Associate Director or Manager, Distribution & Logistics, Supply Chain Management Department

  • 購買・物流・貿易系/購買・調達・バイヤー・MD、購買・物流・貿易系/SCM企画・物流企画・需要予測
  • 700万円~1400万円
  • 東京都